Monday, October 14, 2024

5 Performance Strategies Every Contractor Needs to Succeed

Introduction: The Problem Every Contractor Faces

Are you a contractor constantly feeling overwhelmed by endless projects, tight deadlines, and juggling client expectations? You’re not alone. Managing a contracting business can feel like a never-ending cycle of stress, where balancing personal and professional life seems impossible. If you’ve ever wondered, “How can I get ahead and stay in control?”—you’re in the right place.

I'm Bob Turner, a performance coach with over 20 years in the contracting industry. I’ve been through the same struggles and now help contractors like you to streamline their businesses and find work-life balance. In this article, you’ll walk away with five simple, yet powerful, strategies that will transform how you manage your contracting business—from time management to building mental resilience.

1. Time-Blocking: Master Your Schedule and Priorities

One of the biggest challenges contractors face is time management. With client meetings, site visits, and administrative work, it feels like there are never enough hours in the day.

Solution: Time-blocking.

Time-blocking means dedicating specific parts of your day to specific tasks. For example, you might spend mornings on job sites, afternoons on client communication, and evenings catching up on paperwork or spending time with family.

Why it works: By allocating set times for different tasks, you avoid distractions and procrastination. You’ll know exactly what to focus on each day, which can lower stress and make you more efficient.

Example: Let’s say you block two hours in the afternoon solely for returning client calls and emails. This structured approach will not only make you more responsive but also ensure other priorities don’t get lost in the chaos.

Pro Tip: Start small. Block time for your top three daily priorities and see how much more control you feel by the end of the week.

2. Master Communication: Clear Talk Means Fewer Delays

How often do project delays or mistakes happen because someone didn’t communicate properly? Whether you’re managing subcontractors or dealing with clients, clear communication is essential in contracting.

Solution: Master communication by being specific and organized.

Make your expectations clear from the beginning and use tools like JobTread to keep everyone on the same page. These project management tools can document conversations, track changes, and ensure nothing gets missed.

Example: At the end of each day, check in with your team to ensure everyone understands the next day’s tasks. Ask if there are any questions or uncertainties. This small step can prevent big problems later.

Pro Tip: Create a “communication checklist” that you follow before sending an email or making a call. It will remind you to clarify key points, ask the right questions, and avoid misunderstandings.

3. Build Success Habits: Structure Your Day for Growth

Starting your day in a state of chaos—phone ringing, emails piling up—only sets you up for more stress. Successful contractors build routines that prioritize personal and business growth.

Solution: Develop daily success habits.

Begin each day with a routine that sets you up for success. This could mean spending 10 minutes reviewing your top priorities, doing a quick workout, or meditating to get your mind clear before you dive into work.

Example: Contractors often start their day by checking emails. Try something different—avoid your phone for the first 30 minutes and instead, review your project schedule, set daily goals, and make sure you’re mentally prepared.

Pro Tip: A solid morning routine sets the tone for your day. Even a 10-minute daily routine can drastically improve your focus and productivity.

4. Systematize Your Business: Work Smarter, Not Harder

If you’re constantly “putting out fires,” it’s time to systematize your processes. Successful contractors streamline their businesses by creating systems for repetitive tasks.

Solution: Systematization.

Start by documenting repetitive processes like client onboarding, project bids, or invoicing. This allows you to delegate tasks and focus on higher-level business activities.

Example: Write down a step-by-step guide for onboarding a new client. Once the process is documented, you can hand it off to a team member or automate it using project management software.

Pro Tip: Start with the task that consumes the most time and stress, and either automate it or delegate it. Systematizing this one task can give you back hours in your week.

5. Build Mental Resilience: Thrive Under Pressure

Let’s face it—contracting is a high-stress profession. When projects run behind or clients demand more than expected, it can feel overwhelming. The key to thriving in this industry isn’t avoiding stress—it’s learning to handle it better.

Solution: Build mental resilience.

This is the ability to stay calm and focused even under extreme pressure. Mindfulness practices, like deep breathing or meditation, can help manage stress. Taking care of your health—regular exercise, good nutrition, and adequate sleep—also plays a crucial role.

Example: When you’re feeling stressed, take 5 minutes to practice deep breathing. This simple technique can lower stress levels and improve your decision-making in tough situations.

Pro Tip: Create a 5-minute daily mindfulness practice to clear your mind before handling any major stress points in your day.

Conclusion: Take Control of Your Business and Life Today

The contracting business is tough, but you don’t have to go it alone. By applying these five strategies—time-blocking, mastering communication, building success habits, systematizing processes, and strengthening mental resilience—you’ll not only improve your business but also reduce stress and find better work-life balance.

At Summit Coaching & Consulting, we specialize in helping contractors like you transform their businesses. With over 20 years of experience, we offer customized coaching to fit your unique needs.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Download our free mindset checklist below and book a discovery call today!

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